
Microsoft .net
Have you got .NET? What is .NET?
Microsoft .NET is a set of Microsoft software technologies for connecting your world of information, people, systems, and devices. It enables an unprecedented level of software integration through the use of XML Web services: small, discrete, building-block applications that connect to each other—as well as to other, larger applications—via the Internet.
By Concept One building solutions for you with .NET technologies you can enjoy rich interactions allowing access to information across the Internet and from standalone applications, online or offline.
.NET Defined
Tablet PC solutions
Wireless solutions
Web Services
Web services are small, reusable application written in XML, a universal language for data exchange. For example, a currency converter or credit card authenication written as an XML Web service can be easily used over and over by other applications and Web sites.
Smart Clients
Smart client application software and operating systems enable PCs and other smart computing devices to act on XML Web services, allowing anywhere, anytime access to information.
Microsoft provides the best server infrastructure-including the Microsoft Windows® 2000 server family and the .NET Enterprise Servers-for deploying, managing, and orchestrating XML Web services.
Development Tools
Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET and the Microsoft .NET Framework are a complete solution for developers to build, deploy, and run XML Web services.
Visual Studio .NET
What .NET Means to Your Business
IT Agility with .NET
By using the Internet to enable software applications to more easily work together, Microsoft® .NET promises easier integration between you and other businesses, while creating opportunities to more meaningfully connect with your consumers. With the tools of the .NET platform, your business can realise improvements in the time and cost associated with developing and maintaining your business applications, as well as benefitting from empowering employees with the ability to act on vital information anywhere, from any smart device.
.NET will deliver best of breed integration for businesses.
Exposing XML Web services increases potential reach and exposure, creating new business opportunities.
.NET promises substantial savings in development costs, as well as creating new revenue streams, through the use of XML Web services.
Web Services
Web Services
XML Web services offer incredible value to your organization. They present the opportunity to bridge applications and information written in different programming languages and residing on differing platforms. In this manner, applications from departments such as HR and Accounting can expose information as XML, sharing information in order to create a new benefits application.

Not only can your company more easily integrate internal applications, you can also access services offered by other businesses. By combining XML Web services exposed on the Internet, we can program the Web to create a wide variety of value-added applications for your company. For example, an automobile manufacturer could unify benefits, payroll, stock trading, and insurance services into a single, seamless financial management portal for its employees, or they could integrate inventory control, fulfillment mechanisms, and purchase order tracking into a comprehensive supply chain management system.

Creating XML Web services and exposing them on the Internet also provides another key advantage: it greatly expands the number of customers and business partners that can come in contact with your business's services. A large automobile manufacturer could expose an XML Web service of its delivery schedules for new vehicles. In this manner, their supply chains, dealerships as well as others, can consume the information, building other systems around it. Besides creating valuable links with your partners, it creates the potential for advertising services for other businesses or customers that may not have been aware of your company or service.
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